I'm really thankful to have woken up today. I'm really thankful for the comforts in modern-day life (like cold air and hot water). I'm thankful for our risen Savior, Who makes life worth living. I'm so very thankful that He took the punishment that I deserve, and I am in right standing with God through Jesus because of this amazing gift.
I had to get real with myself, with God, and with others to begin this journey in 2009. Putting on a fake face depending on who was around had become my norm. But when the pit is so dark, lonely, and heavy, something has to give. Gloom did break me, but God in His tender mercy now spends His extravagant love restoring and rebuilding my life into more than I could have ever imagined.
In the process of getting real with God and honest with myself, bondages were broken and my motives were put in check. The narrow path isn't the one that we naturally choose, but it's amazingly beautiful and simplistic once you set your mind to be all in. No life is perfect or free from troubles, but the life that God gives is what we should focus on; what we focus on is what grows and blooms.
What do you want to see sprouting in your life soon? Listen to your words, be careful about your thoughts, and put your focus on the God of the universe, of everything seen and unseen. With perspective, we see that no problem or situation is too great for our God. May you enjoy today and be for real in all you say and do, reflecting that same love and mercy you've received from God Almighty.
“Jesus said to the people who believed in him, ‘You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” (John 8:31-32, NLT)