Saturday, September 26, 2015

Irritable and Difficult to Console

Yes, that can be me at times. Irritable and Difficult! But those were the possible side effects on the hospital printout after our daughter's ER visit. She had a few colds and the stomach bug that month. That particular day she started really hurting--holding her chest and heart. I didn't want to act drastically if it wasn't serious; but we decided to take her once my husband got in from work and couldn't console her either. 
We had excellent attention at Magnolia. The doctor that night was thorough and kind. The EKG was good, and other tests were negative. It was the chest x-ray that showed bronchitis and pleurisy. I didn't know you could have bronchitis without coughing and wheezing; or that it felt like knives stabbing as she breathed. 
As there always is one, here's the rest of the story...
We were trying to go over spelling words that afternoon. She had been in a bad mood that morning. (I overlooked it because we all have mornings like that sometimes, and it's really rare for her.) It carried over after school and was like pulling teeth to do her 2nd grade homework. I used about all my patience, and had to really get on to her. It escalated, she was mean and upset, and I prayed through it as much as possible. We had limited time before bedtime routine. I could only think "I can't have her acting and talking to me like this when she's a teenager--I've gotta do something!" So the spanking had to come. It must have hurt me more than her. I went into the next room to cry. She quickly became more upset and irrational. 
Fast forward to the emergency room bed--we had an answer, we had meds for a solution, and we knew to be aware of side effects. That sweet girl mentioned the getting in trouble and the spanking with a respectful attitude and a smile on her face. She knew she had gone too far and had to be punished. I knew I had done it out of love, as painful as it was. It lightened the serious moment, and all was well between us; she loved me and I loved her.

The next day, I told my mom the why behind what brought on the near hyperventilation that Thursday evening...then the severe breathing pain and ER visit. I didn't realize she was still so out of whack from an earlier steroid shot in the week. So now she was being pumped full of more steroids to fight the inflamed lungs, and I was prepared for the list of side effects...kind of. 

So as I finished writing this, it was another night of many with my daughter waking between 3:30 and 4:30 a.m. Sometimes you've just got to go through those irritable days, inconsolable meltdowns, and restless nights for a season. What can be so tiring and draining can also be reminders of what you're so thankful for in life. Wherever you are now in this season, remember that this is a moment in time, either used for a teaching moment, or for gratitude for lessons already lived out and learned. 

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9, NIV)

"There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven--" (Ecclesiastes 3:1, AMP)

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